Everything was progressing well. The choir sounded well. Flowers were abundant. Parishioners and guest in their Sunday best. The choir already knocked one anthem out of the park and by the time for the offering, the choir was ready with a solid arrangement of a Beethoven work, The Heavens Resound. We're green and good to go! At least I though.
The piece repeats when you get to the end, so we were on the second take. All was well until page 6 of the 8-page anthem. You see, as organists AND choir directors at the same time, we are always conducting from the bench. Cue the left hand. Left hand--meet left eye ball. Left eye ball--meet left hand. SLAP! By page 7, the right eye ball is wondering what is going on with its counterpart with all the commotion. The right hand and feet are trying to keep things together, while the brain is processing this freak accident and why the left hand and eye are not getting along.
You are wondering if the anthem was ruined by this act of musical terror. Rest assured, everything was in complete control--until the second to last measure. By the time all body parts agreed everything was under control, the left hand and eye apologize profusely to each other, join the rest of the body--only for the brain to have a mental lapse of judgement, therefore missing a beat.
Oh the blessed joys of Easter and being a musician! So a word to the wise--musicians or non-musicians--please make sure that all essential functions of your body are happy, alert and in common accord with one another to avoid mutiny or any other form of sabotage. As for the left eye, I think it is still a little annoyed with the left hand.
Cheers to everyone!