Monday night, my grad school friend, Ed, and I hit the road for the almost 1800-mile, 36 hour round trip to Tennille, Georgia. The weather down was manageable, with some hard rain when we got into South Carolina. There is something intense about driving during the night with a purpose. The mission of December 26th-to pick up the long awaited 1905 Estey Reed Organ. As an organist, to have an instrument to practice in the comfort of my own home is a dream. That dream was soon to become a reality. This organ is a unique two-manual Student Model E-56 built in 1905 by the New England organ firm. Something this old in working condition tells a story of it's care and love. The nuns did a fantastic job.
After a breakfast stop outside of Columbia, South Carolina at a Waffle House, we hit the road for the last leg of the trip. We arrived at the owner's home just a little after 1:00pm, Tuesday. Dr. Iron's, a retired Episcopal minister, greeted us and I was able to get my first in-person look at my "new" Estey. She was beautiful! The craftsmanship, the Student Model emblem engraved on each side of the key cheeks, the age of the ivory keys, the beautiful aged quarter sawn oak--this was an awesome find and I could imagine the music that I would create. I played the instrument for the first time and my friend Ed looked at me and smiled. He knew this was the instrument for me. We looked at the owner's four other reed organs, but they certainly did not compare to the two-manual Estey.
If we were planning to make good time back to New York, it was time to take some of the parts off, place them by the van and load the console into the minivan. Pedal board, check. Blower, check. Organ bench, check. As we were moving the main organ itself to the back of the van, the goal was to angle it on the side and slide the console. No check. No matter how we tried to get the console into the van, the extra two inches of height was not going to allow for entry. My heart drops. Frustrated, saddened and a feeling of being overly ambitious, we would spend the next two hours trouble shooting.
By 3:00pm, I looked at Ed and we decided that the console would not make the trip to New York. While I discussed with Dr. Iron's some of my options, Ed was very kind enough to put the parts in the back of the van. With everything discussed, we departed for our return trip back to New York. I must have had a look on my face that would have made even the saddest infant stop crying. Ed and I talked some about the logistics of the organ and some options, when suddenly the tire monitor light came on. Not good. I already checked the tires and filled one up before leaving Tennille. Could it be the same one? We had to stop for gas anyhow. To my surprise, it was a new tire and it was leaking air very noticeably. We tried to patch it and had our fingers crossed, but the light appeared again and we were just outside the city limits of Columbia. When in doubt, search for Sears with an auto department. Before we left Tennille, I noticed the small cracks along the rim and just prayed that we would get home safely. Columbia, SC was good to us, again. We got there in time before closing at 7:00pm for them to put a new round of tires on (7:00pm in SC?? Wow indeed!!). While that was happening, it was deemed necessary to search for some good comfort food. Within an hour, the van was ready and we were able to get back on the road.
By 7.30am, Wednesday, we were back to Ed's home, where I crashed on the living room couch to claim some needed sleep. His wife is a gem. How many spouses would let their husband go on a road trip like ours? So, as I recollect the events from the last 48 hours, I felt that our mission was 45% successful. I have a potential trek planned in January, with a better vehicle, to get the console. Meanwhile, here in my apartment, I've given the bench and pedal board a nice polish. I have to admit, with two parts that are over 100-years old, they look untouched. Check out the pictures below.
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Mishka checking out a potential perch |
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Mishka and Liam enjoying the new bench view |
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Bench and pedal board in place waiting for the main console |
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Close up view of pedal board. Not bad for a 106 year old! |
Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!